It's pretty fun seeing the numbers get larger and larger but at some point (3000km+) it gets boring and there is no real progress because everything scales ridiculously expensive in shop and diamond shop. If there would be a rewind/prestige system to reset the level and gold stats and gain permanent upgrades, it would definitely be a 5 star. So it's a good game to have something to do for about 3 - 4h, just try it.
would like a google sign in and backup option
Please add a leaderboard. It would make the player more invested in going farther.
pls add healing upgrade so you can heal with a heal timer
Nice game with a solid premise. I'm interested to see how it evolves.
when you reach over 2k kms, it gets impossible to increase stats ANYMORE, you need to press buy over 100k times t9 increase your attack by a percent
Yeah... Err
add a archer mage rouge maybe items and class advancements I got tons of ideas you guys can make this a great game